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Day 3: When life gives you lemons…

February 21, 2013




So day 3 is coming to a close and I’m feeling just fine. I woke up early and tackles some government/tax/unemployment mental errands (phone calls for 4+ hours, you know the kind of exhausting stuff I’m talking about.)

But I did it somewhat calmly – with the exception of letting myself shout at myself at the top of my lungs just once. It felt pretty invigorating actually, to just get the frustration out in one burst and get back to business. Maybe that’s like what the smashing flatware therapy is all about.

I was so excited to use my new juicer for the first time by myself today. I grabbed all the produce in the fridge and divided it up into a greens juice and a thicker more hearty tomato & veg juice.




Basically like yesterday’s but added a lemon. The citrus was crazy potent and tart, offering a much different flavor profile. This is very important when juicing, to get creative like you do with cooking. It’s not just about throwing anything in the juicer. So this one had cilantro and parsley, and I’m so impressed with the way this juicer mashes it down. There’s local organic kale and collards at the market. I’m going to grab some in the morning and I can’t wait to get leafy.



The second juice was broccoli, parsley, ginger, lots of tomatoes, carrots, and beets. For some reason, the last time I juiced, I rarely considered tomatoes. But I’ve been loving tomato juice lately, so I’m finding myself on a kick this time around.



With broth heated up from last night! Oh the pretty colors. That green color still blows my mind every time. It’s like that grasshopper green that you can’t quite imagine is bright enough to occur in nature.

I worked from 12:15 or so until around 7 on Grocery stuff, caught a quick power nap, then went back to work on phase 2 of my day. I am finding great rhythm and productivity lately. Bed around 12-1am, up by 8-8:30, work the day, take a late afternoon cat nap, and then work again. That sounds crazy, all she ever does is work! That’s not true, I just disperse the work throughout the day. And every day is just getting up to get done what needs to be done to get our vision to the next day, to the next level, to the next completion. My focus is amazingly clear, a fog has been lifted. Superhero powers.

I continuously reminded myself of the gift I am treating my body to. The break, the restoration; I can feel the rebuilding. I was grateful for the juice again, and appreciated having the chance to wash out all the toxins and sorrows that are cobwebbing up my shoulders. Speaking of stiff shoulders, I think I’m feeling light enough and less inflamed to get back to doing some yoga. I’ll start with light stretching at home. With the I just wish I had a truly quiet space that was just for that, that was always for that, that I could assign and energy and go to that place when I want to have that quiet peaceful energy. Soon, I hope. I’ll find the place.

I am loving sharing my story with people. I do not feel any hesitation about making it to 21 days, yet. I am interested to follow my body’s response. Someone compared it to an athlete; it’s a physical endurance that you put your body through with incredible mental focus and determination. Juice-a-thon ! Juicelympics ! Tour de Juice!



Oh and I also got my highest score in Snake today. I don’t think I’ll ever get that high again, so I think the app might get deleted now. I get bored with little games like this quickly once I get a high score that was half-luck and know I’ll never repeat it again.



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